Friday, December 22, 2017

Work life continues...

Small Business...
It's sold.  That's a lot of hours recovered per week.

I'm back in the work force negotiating a new deal.  All that remains is 'What are you going to do' and 'How much do I charge?' 

Daily Life...
Three years ago I purchased an Amazon Echo. It's been in use daily for music, news and ordering stuff. My recently purchased an Echo Dot which was going to wake me up instead of my cell phone waking me up. Remember alarm clocks?
The Echo stopped working, The 24 volt $18 power supply failed. Shortly thereafter the Echo Dot quit working and I spent about three hours attempting to reconfigure it, updating the iPhone Alexa app, resetting routers, wireless access points, etc. With each attempt the Echo Dot provided a new and elusive error message. Google, with the competing Google Home device, would appear to intentionally give not good returns to 'Echo Error Message' searches.
A final hour was spent attempting to start at ground zero and do a reset of the Echo Dot. Of course I kept reading the '1st Gen' instructions for my '2nd Gen' Echo Dot.
Winding the Big Ben alarm clock would have been a more prudent use of time. At a point in life you need to seriously consider how many three hour blocks of time you have left. Spend two minutes winding and the rest of the time with friends and family, talking, sharing, laughing and enjoying a little rock and roll.