Thursday, May 28, 2015

2015 Failure #1

This is a short post in case that is not obvious.  One of my goals was to post to one of my blogs daily.  I failed at that a while ago.  The intent was to create a small revenue stream.  The Amazon Affiliate program provides small commissions for items that readers order through the context-sensitive Amazon Affiliate widgets.  Not focusing on expanding my readership and/or the appeal of what I share in this and other blogs has resulted in Amazon dumping me from their affiliate program.  A few weeks ago they notified me that this would happen if I did not expand the readership (and 'buyership'?) and that has come to pass due to my commitments to other pointless activities.

We are writing to notify you that your Associates Program application has been rejected and you will no longer have access to Associates Central.
This action was taken because we have not yet received a referral from your account.  Accounts that have not referred a sale within in 180-days of sign-up are automatically rejected.
You are free to reapply to the Associates Program at any time, but we recommend only doing so if your website receives consistent traffic.  

It appears that the ads might still appear.  I simply will not be rolling in the dough from purchases.  It's also possible that this notice was for one of the other blogs which is all about food and dining out in the Twin Cities.  Admittedly few read that.

It's all a journey.

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