My children do contact me on Father's Day. Typically my daughter will send me a text message, short and perhaps cryptic. For those we are close to, not many words are really needed. My son calls. He's been quite a distance away for the past five years or so but we seem to be able to know when a conversation is needed. A few words typically cover a topic. I used to dislike greet cards because I never felt they said enough, typically adding my own. With my kids it seems that fewer words work better. I'm very thankful for them (the kids).
Yesterday during my drive "up north" I was listening to some academic guy on MPR droning on about liberalism and conservatism. He had this theory which was reduced to five dimensions. Liberals and conservatives were in total agreement on two. Conservatives felt that the three dimensions on which they did not deliver led to communism or something. One thing they did agree on was compassion. The boundaries of compassion might be different for each faction.
My Facebook post yesterday:
As a father there's not a day that goes by that I don't think of my children, concerned about their happiness, their health and the life in front of them. Father's Day is just one day but the opportunity and responsibility continues. Who thinks of the children without fathers or with fathers unable to be there. I was lucky and had grandfathers and uncles who stepped up to the plate. This is the day each year that reminds me to be thoughtful of all children, young and old, and to make a concerted effort to be more fatherly and generous.
This blog is about finding a job. I've really only been without a job that pays me in dollars and gives me a business card and some sort of 8x5 obligation. Setting the money aside, the best job, the most important job I have is that of a father. My kids are on good paths, much different paths than I took but I never wanted them to be me so on that component of my job I will give myself a "5." On the issue of being a better father to all children I guess there is room for improvement. I'm putting that pretty high on my bucket list for "I Don't Even Have A Dumb Job."
If I remove the monetary aspect and think of what I do with my time I have quite a few
jobs, some of which I really enjoy. For forty-nine years I've been in the beekeeping world. That's been a good job, too. I'm not going to drone on about it.
bee keeping is interesting