Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day #117 1/28/2014 Actual Work


  1. Had followup conversation with another consultant regarding our networking project for IT professionals in the commercial construction industry.  We missed our meeting yesterday because my phone was without a charge at -20F and he was jackhammering the floor out of his house.
  2. Reached out to only one of the two commercial construction firms in North America that I have any interest in working for.
  3. Spoke with a former vendor/contractor regarding CIO positions in the metro area.
Small Business
  1. Finalized the second large accounting issue on the table.
  2. Worked on inventory and order fulfillment issues.
  3. Putting framework around six-month strategy.
Real Estate Rennovation:
  1. Bought a new trash can for demolition on closeout for $15.00 (regularly $29.00).
  2. Bought shims for door installation.
  3. Pulled out some old carpet
  4. This a very exciting (not) project.
Reading, Writing & Media:

Unfortunately, I've been really busy, drinking too much caffeine and watching too much online stuff rather than reading.  On the upside of that I did appreciate the internet which allowed me to re-enjoy the Pete Seeger catalog today.  Somewhere in the unclear past I did see him in person at least twice.  As time passes It's 11:23 PM.  We're sitting in the family room.  Charlie Rose is on the TV.  I have my headphones on and am listening to The Best Radio You Have Never Heard and the TV and my wife.  Both of us have been typing for at least an hour.  I'm trying to remember the world before personal computers and the internet.  At 63 I remember life before television.  People used to talk and read books.

A Final Word on Careers:
I am one halfway through my sabbatical of working with LHH to find a new gig.  In two weeks I'll make a decision if I re-start that process in March or April.  All is good.

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