The Phone Does Not Ring...
During my last gig my phone rang all the time. There were always issues, conflicts, problems and requests. Sales people for telecomm companies, professional service firms, training companies and a host of others called incessantly, wanting my time and the companies money. Filtering the requests and matching them to the IT needs of the company and the overall business plan consumed a lot of time. Most called my office phone and others figured out my cell phone. The good providers, the partners in our success, called my cell phone.
But When It Does Ring...
In sixty-one days I've had a few calls from my staff who were checking in. It's entirely possible that they missed me or thought I might have something worthwhile to say on the transition. Since I've left there have been changes in direction, new people hired and people who have left. The company I knew exists as a snapshot on September 30th.
I've had a really nice letter and call from a former member of the Board of Directors and I'm truly touched by that. One of our longstanding sales people has also reached out on both a friendly and professional basis and for that I'm thankful. Others have been in touch via email and text and offered their assistance and partnership and that, too, has been heartwarming. It was a network of good people and at a point I'll be working them as they worked me. Somewhere I read that turnabout was fair play.
Now I need to be the sales person.
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