Tuesday, December 31, 2013

#91 12/31/2013 This is the 2013 wrap-up and 2014 does not suck, yet.

As 2013 wraps up over the next 55 minutes I'd like to say that this has been a good year.  It is in the sense that I'm still vertical and horizontal at the right times of the day and it's still on demand but it has been a year of losses and challenges.  People close to me left for the next phase of their life, actually afterlife, there were health challenges, small business challenges, another year of no rain and the end of the 27 year gig.  It has been a year of learning, seeking and accomplishment and 2014 looks great with an increasing focus on creativity and innovation both professionally and personally.

Job Search
Officially I've decided to take a sabbatical from my LHH coaching engagement.  JAN and FEB are going to be busy.  There are some major remodeling projects that need to be done to dispose of some real estate and a few other big challenges.  I've made very good progress in putting the 27 year gig in a box; that needed to occur before moving on to the next challenging engagement.  Without that I'd be looking for more of the same, a replacement of what ended or something equally defined and comparably mind-dulling.

Let It Go...
New Year's resolutions tend to be pretty lame and often abandoned but I've decided that 2014 will be the year that I put a focus on letting things go.  You cannot change people.  At a point everyone has to make their own bed and you have to let them do it as they choose, as much is it may not be as you wish.

This blog was intended to chronicle my search for a new job.  My commitment was to write every day.  That's been my intention for quite a few years, perhaps a decade or more.  For the past ninety or so days I've made an effort to do just that; sit down, uncross my legs and put some words on paper.  Since Thanksgiving a few days have been missed and that is simply time compression at work.  I'm going to download the Blogger application for my iPhone.  I'll try to not missed a day, even if it means typing with my thumbs.

Parents and New Year's Eve...
The following story is offered as evidence that my parents were much better at partying than me, and a bit of reflection on loss and love.

Many years ago my parents, in the years shortly following WWII, celebrated New Year's Eve at the Albert Lea American Legion Club.  As the story goes they celebrated pretty aggressively, dancing and partaking.  When it was closing time they decided not to drive.  In those days you could get away with a little partaking and driving so it must have been a really good night.  As they walked home my father kept complaining that his overcoat did not feel right.  There was something wrong with the fit.  My mother laughed at him and said that he must have grabbed the wrong coat because...well, they were partying hard, and that he could go look for his own coat when he walked back uptown to retrieve the car the next morning.  When they arrived home he started to take off his coat and found that the hanger was still in the coat.   This story was shared more than a few times over the next few years.  Unfortunately he died just a few years later in a car accident.  My mother left peacefully a year ago today.  We think she was planning a evening of dancing after a long, long wait.  Hopefully they did, ending the evening with a walk  home in the cold night, under the stars, with hangers in both of their coats.   

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