Tuesday, December 10, 2013

December 7, Day #67, Saturday

December 7...
Today should probably be a national holiday but so should 9/11 and a lot of other dates.  All of our nations and states and rogue beliefs do a lot of killing.

-11 Fahrenheit...
On Thursday I had good intentions of a productive, networking, planning sort of day.  The weather this week certainly has been such that one should remain inside next to something that is burning but we are drawn out for practical matters such as snow removal but we seem to want to test the weather.  Signs warn us not to touch hot things or not to jump into the hot springs or warn us that the water is too cold for swimming but we go right ahead and try it.  Outside we go without enough clothes, too light a jacket, not hat or generally in a test mode only to suffer or run back inside or think "next time I'll..."  It's not even the middle of December and I'm ready for spring, or Arizona.

If you cannot control your distractions, putting some time frames around a particular indulgence you might as well immerse yourself.  In one of my previous posts I mentioned a gentleman whose best advice to writers was to "write about what you know" even if the only thing you knew well was your dog.  Don't attempt science fiction when your expertise is dog smiles.  I'm thinking I might as well write about my distractions from gainful employment.

I've been listening to my favorite music podcast website and have been distracted and listening to the fourth song in the current podcast which is It's A Long Way To The Top (If You Wanna Rock 'n Roll).  I'm not sure if that means getting to the top of anything is hard if you are distracted by R 'n R or if it is about getting to the top of R 'n R.  Regardless, I've listened to it about ten times today while writing and working and here I am writing about a primary distraction of the day.  I'm at a loss.


I might simply need more privacy.  I'm far astray from the original intent of this blog.  Entrepreneurs frequently have a number of businesses fail before finding success.  There's no reason to expect creative endeavors to be any different.

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