Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Day #185, more or less A.K.A. April Fool's Day +7

Maybe A Coat Day, Maybe Not...

The snow is disappearing but now the eight to ten feet of frost is oozing up like an overflowing pot of boiling pasta.  One wishes it would stop but the only way to make that happen is to commit to a mess.

While in the sun the coat came off but it was back on when the wind blew or while on the non-sunny side of anything, including big leafless trees.  Daylight remained at 8 PM but that needed a coat.

Overbooked on WED...

Small business responsibilities dominate the majority of the day tomorrow but am spending the evening with a potential consulting client

Tax Time Is Winding Down...

Despite a few quirks I am an advocate of TurboTax Business and personal software products.  Doing your own work allows you to be creative about the past and the future.  Those avoiding this part of business are missing out.  It's much like having someone else think creatively for you or asking them to read a book of interest (to you) and asking them to re-cap it for you.

I should be done by SAT PM.  Whoo hoo.

LHH & My Dentist...

The dental office called.  Obviously they are working the insurance side of this and want to get started that tooth #20 crown.  Crown is probably a regal-sounding name for something that eliminates tooth substance and commits you to something that will, at best, last 15 years.  New jobs and most jobs these days last about three years.  At 63 I'd like a job for exactly three years.  Apparently I am of attitude and chronological age that puts me at a perfect spot.  I'll call the LHH guy next week.  I've been pondering the kind of job I want and ...

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