Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Full Moon #2 Day #47

I Must Have Missed The Harvest Moon...
This evening as I headed away from where I wanted to be there was a light in the eastern night sky.  Being not far north of the historic Hinckley fire area it was possible that another inferno was in the making.  Perhaps it was some alien event which I've been waiting for ever since the TV series "V" which ended with some sort of red sky that probably killed everyone.

October was a bit odd and that must have been the harvest moon since I have not found any standing corn in Pine County.  This must simply be "deer hunting moon" or "first moon on frozen lake" or "the moon that means it's too late for anything left outside that you don't want to have freeze."  Regardless of any significant meaning it was scenic.  This was reflected on a pond just west of Finlayson.

Finding The Rhythm...
I'm making progress on my 27-year backlog.  There will be visible progress within another month or two.  It's quite interesting that much of the backlog is electronic.  Often I think the PC era is pretty recent but the reality is that it coincides with the 27-year backlog.  I have one PC left that has a 3.5" floppy drive and only a few scores of diskettes left.  Certainly there will be some epic material on at least one of them.

The plan now is to apply for one job per week.  I'm being selective.  I'm only interested in working for organizations of value and projects of worth. 

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