It's easy to set five goals for yourself (or your children) and hit rock bottom when you don't achieve the by the goal dates, especially when you are in the power seat.
Celebrate the success of any of the five and re-schedule the others. It's not like you are a brain surgeon or you are on a rescue mission to intercept a meteor that will destroy humankind.
Yesterday I committed to a draft resume by midnight. I failed. Well, I did not totally fail. There were four sample resumes that I read. I decided to copy the format of the shortest one. That person had great experience, exhuded confidence and actually seemed a bit disinterested in pursuit of the next gig.
Watch dogs have been assigned. I'm not allowed to use the restroom or leave the restroom until progress has been made on the resume.
Yesterday did not result in a printable first draft. It's 7:54 PM. I have no excuse.
The choke collar is tightening.
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