Saturday, October 19, 2013

Day #19 adequate gas is required

Out of Gas...
Last night I finished what I consider an 'OK' version of 'the resume.'  It's a bit of a different spin combining the all-touted LHH 'marketing statement' and a more or less traditional resume.  I really liked the CEO sample resume from the very experienced person who seem confident but also was quite indifferent about the whole pursuit issue.

It's easy to doubt your competency, your skills, your motivation and perhaps your interest level.  Yesterday I did a delivery for MK to an engineering firm, to a large training room where there was obviously going to be some sort of presentation.  My first inclination was to check and make sure the projector worked, take a test stand at the podium and do a mental run through of the greeting and welcome and a quick explanation of the agenda.

That was pretty humorous. The company people in the room probably did not notice the geezer delivery guy.  I was in total confidence of my ability to control the room and the agenda.

So you need the skills and the interest and something combustible and something to ignite the whole mess.

Interesting Article
Entrepreneur magazine had a short article about a guy, a writer, whose stories about a neighborhood caregiver was now a widely viewed British TV show.  He wrote about what he knew.  A few years ago I wrote a letter to Bill Holm and made the comment that writing about snaking a floor drain was probably worthy writing.  Going back a few years "Writing Down the Bones" had the same theme.  I purchased at least two or three copies that book.  Finally I writing every day.  In the memory of Bill Holm I've not written about floor drains but I did cover the removal of a dead chipmunk in the dryer vent.  Perhaps the path is more set than I realize. 

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