For years I've promoted the notion that remote working (a.k.a. working at home) was a very reasonable alternative, especially for salaried workers. Commuting problems usually deduct from the productive work of the day more often than they add to the length of the day. Everyone has electricity and internet access, cell phones, etc., and everything you need is probably stored 'in the cloud.'
Today my home office really stunk. Yesterday there seemed to be something faintly rotten. Today it was full blown. We live in the woods and get a few mice in the fall. After a quick round of the three traps in the basement it was clear I was imagining it all and decided to take a load of towels out of the dryer. Oh, boy.
The short story is that once in a while the flapper cover on the dryer exhaust stays open, especially when the yard boy forgets to clean the lint off it. After disassembling things you should only have to disassemble when moving or when
purchasing a new dryer the resident (and deceased, really deceased) chipmunk was removed. It's now eleven hours later and the Vicks nasal coverup has worn off but I still smell dead things..
Work-focused activities du jour...
There were several work-related email exchanges today. I've not been keeping up on my IT reading and research and will get cracking at that soon. I'm still excited about leveraging Amazon's AWS, S3, Cloudsearch, etc.
There was a back and forth messaging with the Bush Foundation Grant person and I need to call again on THU and will do that on my Pine Lake commute.
Fall is looking pretty good on the bee issue with those treated organically and with sticky bottom boards seem to have weathered the mite issue well. There has also been an absence of corn within normal distances so the pesticide risk is down, too.
There has been a problem getting together with the LHH contact so I'm going back to a regular schedule w/ him, probably heading there on WED.
Back to the stink...
Organizations, like visiting relatives start to stink, too. So with the sunset of one organization context tomorrow brings a better, newer day with opportunities ripe for immersion. This is all good.
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